terça-feira, 26 de agosto de 2014

Frase do dia: agradar ao Senhor.

E fez o que era reto aos olhos do Senhor, conforme tudo o que fizera Davi, seu pai. (2 Reis 18:3)

São inúmeras maravilhas que podemos realizar e viver, as quais podem e devem agradar a Deus, e o ensinamento para tanto está sempre à nossa disposição e de perfeito entendimento na palavra, portanto, não poderá existir nada que nos impeça de alcançarmos a felicidade e ainda deixarmos o nosso criador feliz.

Sentence of the day: to please to the Mister.

And he made what it was straight to the eyes of the Mister, according to everything that had made Davi, your father. (2 Reis 18:3)

They are countless marvels that we can accomplish and to live, which can and they should please to God, and the teaching for so much it is always to our disposition and of perfect understanding in the word, therefore, nothing that impedes us cannot exist of we reach the happiness and we still leave our happy creator.

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