terça-feira, 29 de outubro de 2013

Frase do dia: a paz do Senhor nos traz prosperidade.

Apega-te, pois, a ele, e tem paz, e assim te sobrevirá o bem. (Jó 22:21)

Devemos procurar viver de acordo com os ensinamentos de Deus, sendo obedientes e amorosos, pregando a paz e cuidando para que a semente da fé plantada em nossos corações não tenha sido em vão e seremos coroados com vitórias e bonança em abundância.

Sentence of the day: the peace of the Mister he brings us prosperity.

He you attaches you, because, to him, and he has peace, and it will befall like this you the good. (Jó 22:21)

We should try to live in agreement with the teachings of God, being obedient and loving, nailing the peace and taking care so that the seed of the faith planted in our hearts it has not been in vain and we will be crowned with victories and calm abundantly.

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