A nossa vida terrena é em sociedade, portanto, as regras deste
mundo precisam ser respeitadas e a convivência social é inevitável, pelo que é
importante buscarmos pelos ensinamentos alcançados pela palavra para que
saibamos discernir o bem do mal e fazermos a escolha correta sem sermos classificados
como antipáticos.
Não seremos envergonhados se as nossas atitudes estiverem
revestidas de fidelidade a Deus que nos ensinará ajudará a permanecermos justos
e a mantermos a nossa jornada sob a luz.
Sentence of the day: covered by the
You don't arrest you to an unequal
yoke with the infidels; because, what society has the justice with the
injustice? And that communion has the light with the darkness? (2 Corinthian
Our terrestrial life is in society,
therefore, the rules of this world need to be respected and the social
coexistence is inevitable, for the that is important we look for the teachings
reached by the word so that we know how to discern the good of the evil and we
make the correct choice without we be classified as unfriendly.
We won't be embarrassed if our
attitudes be covered from fidelity to God that will teach it will help us we
stay her fair and we maintain her/it our day under the light.
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