O desejo imoderado seja ele sobre
qualquer situação será sempre prejudicial a todos e desagradável aos olhos de
Deus. A cobiça é depreciativa, o que nos parece benefícios vão se esvaindo e
quando menos percebemos já terá desaparecido e ainda restarão prejuízos,
portanto, sem dúvida alguma deve ser combatida.
Sentence of the day: to combat the ambition.
They are like this the sidewalks of all that that uses
of greed: she begins to lose the soul of the ones that they possess her. (Proverbs
The immoderate desire is him on any situation will
always be harmful to all and unpleasant to the eyes of God. The greed is
depreciative, what seems us void benefits if dispersing and when fewer noticed
he/she will already have missing person and they will still remain damages,
therefore, without any doubt it should be combatted.
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