Deus nos alerta sobre a falsidade. O Senhor é único,
portanto, não podemos nos permitir ser enganados por aqueles que muitas vezes
se apresentam como representantes do criador, usando o santo nome em vão.
Na palavra está o conhecimento necessário para que saibamos
reconhecer os enganadores, e essa sabedoria pode ser reforçada através de
nossos pedidos a Deus sempre que pairar alguma dúvida quanto àqueles que pregam
na obra do criador.
Sentence of the day: falsehood.
Because he says like this him Mister of the Armies, the God of Israel: Don't make a mistake your prophets
that are in the middle of you, nor your fortune-tellers, nor you give ears to
your dreams, that you dream. Because they prophesy you falsely in my name; I
didn't send them, he says him Mister. (Jeremias 29:8-9)
God us alert about the falsehood. The
Mister it is only, therefore, we cannot allow to be wrong for those that a lot
of times come as the creator's representatives, using the saint name in
In the word it is the necessary
knowledge so that we know how to recognize the deceivers, and that wisdom can
be reinforced through our requests to God whenever it hovers some doubt as
those that preach in the creator's work.
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