Os segredos às vezes só podem ser praticados entre os irmãos.
Nada passar despercebido ou pode ser escondido do Senhor, portanto, o nosso
diálogo com Deus deve ser franco sem rodeios, Ele está atentamente a nos
escutar para agir a nosso favor e daqueles para os quais fazemos pedidos de
Sentence of the day: God everything
Oh of the one that want hide deeply
your purpose of the Mister, and they make your works to the dark ones, and they
say: Who sees us? And who knows us? (Isaías
The secrets can sometimes be practiced
only among the siblings. Nothing to pass unperceived or it can be hidden of the
Mister, therefore, our dialogue with God should be free without
circumlocutions, He is sincerely listening to us to act to our favor and of
those for which we make requests of help.
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