A palavra de Deus é viva, portanto, para que estejamos vivendo em verdade é essencial que saibamos que viver é muito mais do que os simples atos de desempenharmos algumas atividades terrenas.
A efetiva vida é uma vida em Cristo, através da qual procuramos respeitar os conselhos de Deus, nos polindo com o objetivo de transformarmos a pedra bruta que somos em uma joia agradável ao Senhor.
Sentence of the day: to live the commandments.
That that says: I know him/it, and he doesn't keep your commandments, it is lying, and in him it is not the true. (1 João 2:4)
The word of God is alive, therefore, so that we are living truly it is essential that know that to live it is much more than the simple acts of we carry out some terrestrial activities.
Effective life is a life in Christ, through which we tried to respect the advices of God, polishing us with the objective of we transform the unhewn stone that we are in a pleasant jewel to the Mister.
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