buscamos por momentos de paz, não estamos apenas objetivando descansarmos o
nosso corpo, mas, também refrigerarmos a nossa alma.
nossa perfeição é inquestionável, afinal fomos criados por Deus, mas, o nosso
corpo tem as suas limitações, portanto, a busca por descanso não caracteriza
nenhuma fraqueza, ao contrário, é mais um ensinamento divino para que possamos
retornar vigorados às nossas atividades.
Sentence of the day: rest.
And it blessed God the seventh, and
it sanctified him; because in him he rested of all your work that God had
created and he had done. (Gênesis 2:3)
When we looked for moments of peace,
we are not aiming at we just rest our body, but, we also refrigerate our
Our perfection is unquestionable,
after all we were created by God, but, our body has your limitations,
therefore, the search for rest doesn't characterize any weakness, to the
opposite, it is one more divine teaching so that we can come back invigorated
to our activities.
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