as obras de Deus são magníficas, dotadas de benevolências, então, o mal não nos
pertence, ele é exclusivamente uma ação do inimigo, o qual não merece espaço
entre os herdeiros do Senhor.
qualidade de filhos do salvador, precisamos honrar essa dádiva, procurando
viver sob a luz e ao realizarmos as nossas obras, elas devem ser dotadas de
amor e solidariedade, sempre atendendo o que nos ensina as escrituras para que
possamos honrar o nosso criador e protetor.
Sentence of the
day: only the good belongs us.
Because we are
your making, servants in Cristo Jesus for the good works, which God prepared so
that we walked in them. (Efésios 2:10)
All the works of
God are magnificent, endowed with benevolences, then, the badly doesn't belong
us, he is exclusively an action of the enemy, which doesn't deserve space among
the heirs of the Mister.
In the savior's
children's quality, we needed to honor that gift, trying to live under the
light and to the we accomplish our works, they should be endowed with love and
solidarity, always assisting what teaches us the deeds so that we can honor our
creator and protecting.
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