É sábio contribuirmos para que a paz possa reinar entre os irmãos. Deus nos pede para que além de vivermos em harmonia, saibamos tranqüilizar aqueles que são ofendidos para que não hajam da mesma forma do que seus opressores, ao contrário, que combatam com serenidade as tentações.
inimigo espera que possamos contra atacar para que se fortaleça com a fúria,
portanto, agindo segundo os ensinamentos contidos na palavra, os nossos atos de
mansidão farão com que o mal seja enfraquecido e se dissipe diante de nossos
Sentence of the day: wisdom against the
Siblings, if some man to arrive to be surprised in
some offense, you, that you are spiritual, direct the such with spirit of
meekness; looking for you same, so that you are not also tried. (Gálatas
It is wise we contribute so that the peace can reign
among the siblings. God asks us so that besides we live in harmony, let us know
how to tranquilize those that are offended why there is not in the same way
than your oppressors, to the opposite, that combat with serenity the
The enemy waits that can bill to attack for he
strengthens with the fury, therefore, acting according to the teachings
contained in the word, our acts of meekness will do with that the badly is weak
and vanish before our eyes.
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