Em alguns momentos precisaremos clamar ao Senhor que
interceda inclusive por nossos irmãos, inclusive nas questões relacionadas à
manutenção da saúde ou até mesmo uma cura, e para isso, necessitaremos estar de
posse do poder que Deus tem por promessa para todo aquele que Nele crer.
Sentence of the day: shouting with faith will be
worthy of virtue.
But you will
receive Saint Spirit virtue, that must come on you; and you will be me you
testify, so much in Jerusalem as in the whole Judéia and Samaria, and to the
boundaries of the earth. (Acts 1:8)
In some moments we will need to shout to the Mister
that intercedes besides for our siblings, besides in the subjects related to
the maintenance of the health or even a cure, and for that, we will need to be
of ownership of the power that God has for promise for all that that In him to
have faith.
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