Não são as nossas posses, classe social ou política,
e nenhum outro sinal que nos tornará qualificados como merecedores das graças
de Deus. O Senhor espera que sejamos a cada instante uma nova criatura, onde as
virtudes desejáveis são as que o nosso criador aprecia e nos ensina através das
O Senhor nos criou, portanto, sabe das nossas falhas
e está sempre disposto a nos perdoar, desde que o nosso arrependimento seja
sincero e que cultivemos com muito amor no coração a nossa fé, procurando
constantemente transforma a pedra bruta que somos em uma pedra polida.
of the day: a new creature.
in Cristo Jesus nor the circumcision, nor the circumcision absence has virtue
some, but being a new creature. (Gálatas 6:15)
They are
not our ownerships, class social or political, and any other sign that it will
turn us qualified as worthy of the thanks of God. The Mister wait that we are
to each instant a new creature, where the desirable virtues are what our
creator appreciates and he teaches us through the deeds.
The Mister it created
us, therefore, he knows about our flaws and it is always willing forgiving us,
since our regret is sincere and that we cultivate with a lot of love in the
heart our faith, constantly seeking transforms the unhewn stone that we are in
a polished stone.
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