Deus deseja nos
fazer nova criatura, sempre pronto a nos conceder oportunidades, mediante o
perdão de nossas falhas se nos arrependermos. O Senhor nos presenteará com
alegria em nossos corações, após banir para bem distante as amarguras e
qualquer que seja o ódio que o inimigo tiver conseguido plantar para que
sejamos verdadeiros instrumentos da fé.
Sentence of the day: the Mister it will renew us.
And they will give only one heart, and a new spirit I
will put inside of them; and I will remove of your meat the stone heart, and I
will give them a meat heart. (Ezequiel
God wants to do us new creature, always ready granting
us opportunities, by the pardon of our flaws if we are sorry us. The Mister he
will give us for present, happiness in our hearts, after banishing for very
distant the bitterness and any that is the hate that the enemy has gotten to
plant so that we are true instruments of the faith.
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