Devemos crer com
imensa fé e de todo o nosso coração, nenhuma dúvida pode pairar sobre a nossa
crença no nosso criador, protetor e salvador.
Em nosso retiro, em silêncio ou em alto e bom tom, não importa, o que
verdadeiramente terá significado é o quanto de amor, sinceridade e convicção
estão em nosso ser ao dizermos que aceitamos e apresentamos o Senhor como nosso
único e poderoso Deus.
Sentence of the day: conviction.
You, Sião, that you announce good new, it arises to a
high hill. You, Jerusalem ,
that you announce good new, he raises your voice strongly; he you lifts her,
don't fear, and dize to the cities of Judá: Here is here it is your God.
(Isaías 40:9)
We should have faith with immense faith and of all our
heart, no doubt can hover about our faith in our creator, protecting and
savior. In our retreat, in silence or in
high and good tone, it doesn't matter, what will truly have meaning it is it as
of love, honesty and conviction they are in our being to the we say that
accepted and we presented him/it Mister as our only and powerful God.
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