incertezas impostas pela forma de vida terrena, muitas vezes, devido à falta de
entendimento ou até mesmo pela ausência da palavra de Deus no desempenhar das
atividades, faz com as pessoas passem a priorizar a aquisição de bens
conhece todas as nossas necessidades, até mesmo quanto ao desejo de uma vida
com tranqüilidade possibilitada pelas posses de riquezas terrenas, pelo que a
prosperidade é promessa do Senhor para nossas vidas.
a sabedoria contida nos ensinamentos divinos nos concede a superação sobre
qualquer vantagem que os bens materiais podem nos oferecer; e o mais
importante, jamais poderá ser subtraído; ajudará na preservação e acrescentará
os nossos dias de vida.
Sentence of the day: the divine wisdom prevails.
Because the
wisdom serves as defense, as of defense it serves the money; but the excellence
of the knowledge is that the wisdom gives life to your possessor. (Eclesiastes
The uncertainties imposed by the life form
terrestrial, a lot of times, due to the understanding lack or even for the absence
of the word of God in carrying out of the activities, he does with the people
they start to prioritize the acquisition of material goods.
God knows all our needs, even with relationship to the
desire of a life made possible calmly by the ownerships of terrestrial wealth,
for the that the prosperity is promise of the Mister for our lives.
Now, the wisdom contained in the divine teachings it
grants us the advantage on any advantage that the material goods can offer; and
the most important, it will never be able to be subtracted; it will help in the
preservation and it will increase our days of life.
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