As nossas ações devem sempre ser precedidas de
consulta ao nosso criador, e toda revelação precisa ser seguida incontestavelmente
para honra e glória do Senhor que nos concederá as força e entendimento necessários
para que sejamos capazes de cumprir com as suas determinações, nos
recompensando por nossa crença e respeito.
Sentence of the
day: to consult to the Mister.
And it happened
after this that Davi consulted you, saying: Will I arise to some of the cities
of Judá? And he told him you: Arise. And he spoke to Davi: Where I will arise? And
he said: For Hebrom. (2 Samuel 2:1)
Our actions should
always be preceded from consultation to our creator, and all revelation needs
to be followed without doubting for honor and glory of the Mister that will
grant us it forces them and necessary understanding so that we are capable to
accomplish with your determinations, rewarding us for our faith and respect.
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