mais que tenhamos desagradado a Deus, ainda assim, clamando com fé por socorro,
seremos atendidos, pois, além das inúmeras bênçãos que o Senhor tem para nós,
Ele é piedoso e amoroso, está sempre pronto a nos perdoar e nos colocar de
volta no caminho que nos leva em direção à vida eterna.
Sentence of the day: mercy.
Know, therefore, that the Mister it separated for
itself that that is merciful; the Mister he will hear when I shout to him.
(Psalms 4:3)
No matter how much we have displeased God,
nevertheless, calling out with faith for help, we will be assisted, therefore,
besides the countless blessings that the Mister he has for us, He is merciful
and loving, it is always ready the to forgive us and to place us of turn in the
road that in the group in direction to the eternal life.
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