Deus ama a todos, mas, acha graça nos humildes de bom coração, os quais mesmo pensando serem fracos, serão reconhecidos com o merecimento do poder do Senhor para que ninguém se vanglorie por si, mas, principalmente pela sua dignidade segundo os ensinamentos celestiais.
Sentence of the day: to move away the pride.
And he told me: My grace you are enough, because my power if it improves in the weakness. Willingly, because, I will glory in my weaknesses, so that in me he/she inhabits Christ's power. (2 Corinthian 12:9)
God loves all, but, it finds grace in the humble of good heart, the ones which same thinking be weak, they will be recognized with the desert of the power of the Mister so that nobody boasts for itself, but, mainly for your dignity according to the celestial teachings.
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