pessoas sempre clamarão por justiça, portanto, jamais devem se desvencilhar em
ser justo e assim, cada um procurando viver praticando as suas atividades com
respeito ao próximo, estará contribuindo para um mundo melhor para todos e
ainda sendo merecedor da inigualável glória de Deus.
submetidos às tentativas de investidas do inimigo, mas, sendo fiéis e
perseverantes à palavra, jamais passará de frustrações do mal e o próprio mal
se encarregará dele mesmo, e com isso, os malfeitores entenderão que as
perseguições não compensam e jamais prosperarão.
Sentence of the day: the badly will take charge of the
own evil.
Therefore, give to each one that you owe: to who
tribute, tribute; to who imposed, tax; to who fear, fear; to who honors, honor.
(Roman 13:7)
The people will always shout for justice, therefore,
they should never disentangle if in being exactly and like this, each one
trying to be always practicing your activities with regard to the neighbor, it
will be contributing to a better world for all and still being worthy of the
unequaled glory of God.
We will be submitted to the attempts of the enemy's
lunges, but, being faithful and persevering to the word, it will never pass of
frustrations of the evil and the own evil will take charge of him same, and
with that, the malefactors will understand that the persecutions don't
compensate and they will never prosper.
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