Deus está constantemente observando os nossos atos, e sendo
fieis com o que nos ensina a palavra, procurando amar e respeitar o Senhor, os
nossos passos serão conduzidos com firmeza e em segurança em qualquer ambiente
que nos encontrarmos.
O Senhor tudo vê e tudo pode, Ele nos concedeu o livre arbítrio,
mas, jamais se descuida de nós, ao contrário, está sempre nos protegendo e nos
concedendo o auxílio necessário para que possamos concluir as nossas atividades
com sucesso, portando, tudo que procurarmos fazer deve ser em nome do nosso
criador e protetor celestial.
Sentence of the day: actions according to the will of God.
Because God is what it operates in you so much wanting
as making, second your good will. (Filipenses 2:13)
God is constantly observing our acts, and being
entrusts with what he teaches us the word, trying to love and to respect him
Mister, our steps will be led with firmness and in safety in any adapts that
find ourselves.
Mister everything sees and everything can, He granted us the free will, but, it
is never neglected of us, to the opposite, it is always protecting us and
granting us the necessary aid so that we can conclude our activities with
success, carrying, everything that we try do it should be on behalf of our
creator and protecting celestial.
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