A nossa colaboração na divulgação da palavra é um desejo de Deus, portanto, devemos nos empenhar sempre e jamais permitir que o desânimo nos desvie, mesmo quando portas se fecharem e olhares se desviarem, pois, quando fazemos a vontade do Senhor seremos recompensados imensamente.
Sentence of the day: the will of the Mister.
But you make an effort, and don't faint your hands; because your work has a reward. (2 Chronicles 15:7)
Our collaboration in the popularization of the word is a desire of God, therefore, we should always insist and never to allow the discouragement to divert us, same when you carry if they close and you look if they deviate, therefore, when we make the will of the Mister we will be rewarded vastly.
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