Anunciando o evangelho ao máximo de pessoas possíveis, conseguiremos honrar o nome do Senhor, pois, o conhecimento que tem o poder de nos conceder o bom combate com perseverança está contido na palavra que herdamos por herança de Deus para que pudéssemos conduzir com serenidade e segurança a nossa vida terrena e a não nos afastarmos do caminho que tem o objetivo de nos levar para a eternidade na presença do nosso Pai celestial.
Sentence of the day 02/01/2014: to act according to the Gospel.
You should only behave worthily according to Christ's Gospel, so that, he wants it goes and see you, he wants it is absent, hear concerning you that are in a same spirit, combatting together with the same vitality for the faith of the Gospel. (Filipenses 1:27)
Announcing the Gospel to the possible people's maximum, we will get to honor the name of the Mister, because, the knowledge that has the power to grant us the good combat with perseverance it is contained in the word that we inherited for inheritance of God so that we could lead with serenity and safety our terrestrial life and the we move not away ourselves of the road that has the objective of taking us for the eternity in our celestial Father's presence.
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