Não devemos nos desesperar frente a qualquer que seja o desafio ou a tribulação. Por mais que os aborrecimentos tentem prevalecer em nossas vidas, jamais devemos nos entregar ou desanimar, ao contrário, buscar a força que o Senhor tem por promessa para cada que tiver obediência à sua palavra, agindo com fé e amor no coração, glórias serão alcançadas e o mal será banido para o nosso livramento.
Sentence of the day: God us that motivated.
In six anguishes he will liberate you; and in the seventh the badly won't play you. In the hunger he will liberate you of the death; and in the war, of the violence of the sword. (Jó 5:19-20)
We should not lose hope front the any that is the challenge or the tribulation. No matter how much the upset try to prevail in our lives, we should never surrender or to discourage, to the opposite, to look for the force that the Mister he/she has for promise for each that has obedience to your word, acting with faith and love in the heart, glories will be reached and the badly will be banished for our liberation.
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