É surpreendente a grandeza que Deus nos concede, somos muito mais superiores do que podemos imaginar, afinal, herdamos do Senhor dos Senhores, do criador do céu e da terra e de tudo que existe.
Muitas vezes os momentos pelos quais enfrentamos as tribulações, são os responsáveis por algumas frustrações e até mesmo dúvida quanto a nossa fé, mas, devemos agir totalmente ao contrário, pois, são momentos passageiros e se saímos deles é porque Deus estava nos auxiliando.
O que precisamos é mantermos a prática da confirmação da nossa fé, e assim, as conhecidas dificuldades servirão para que seja restabelecida a nossa sobriedade que nos auxiliarão acertar na tomada de decisões importantes, as quais nos remeterão ao sucesso e alegrarão ao Senhor.
Sentence of the day: confirmation of the faith.
And he said him Mister: If you had faith as a mustard grain, you would say to this mulberry tree: He you eradicates you of here, and it plants you in the sea; and she would obey you. (Lucas 17:6)
It is surprising the greatness that God grants us, we are much superior than we can imagine, after all, we inherited of the Mister of you, of the creator of the sky and of the earth and of everything that exists.
A lot of times the moments for the which we faced the tribulations, are the responsible for some frustrations and even doubt with relationship our faith, but, we should totally act to the opposite, because, they are moments passengers and if we left them it is because God was us aiding.
The one that we needed is we maintain the practice of the confirmation of our faith, and like this, the acquaintances difficulties will serve so that it is reestablished our sobriety that you will aid to get right us in the electric outlet of important decisions, which will send us to the success and they will cheer to the Mister.
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