Na qualidade de pais ou de representantes, é nosso dever demonstrar aos nossos representados a importância da obediência à palavra, principalmente para que haja prosperidade não importando por onde tivermos a necessidade de caminharmos.
Deus estará confirmando a promessa de proteção e de saciar as nossas necessidades se formos fiéis e zelosos aos mandamentos, os quais nos guardam a vontade e amor do Senhor para com cada um de nós.
Sentence of the day: to walk for the roads of the Mister.
And guard the ordinance of the Mister your God, for walks in your roads, and for you keep your statutes, and your commandments, and your judgements, and your testimonies, as it is written in the law of Moisés; so that you prosper in whatever you do, and where he/she wants that go. (1 Reis 2:3)
In the parents' quality or of representatives, it is our duty to demonstrate ours represented the importance of the obedience to the word, mainly so that there is prosperity not mattering through where we have the need of we walk.
God will be confirming the protection promise and of satiating our needs if we go faithful and zealous to the commandments, which keep us the will and love of the Mister to each one of us.
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