Não importa o quanto árido será o caminho por onde teremos que caminhar e nem mesmo os obstáculos nele existentes, pois, Deus nos tem a promessa de nos manter em segurança e nos conduzir frente às batalhas e corar-nos com a vitória.
Os momentos de indecisão serão dissipados para que seja dado lugar à certeza, quando caminhos áridos se transformaram em lugares serenos e prazerosos para se caminhar e o cansaço dará lugar a um corpo forte e por maior que seja um deserto pelo qual estivermos por vencer, seremos transformados em fonte de água viva para que nenhuma sede venha a nos consumir.
Sentence of the day: safety in our decisions.
And the Mister it will guide you continually, and it will satiate your soul in arid places, and it will fortify your bones; and you will be as a watered garden, and as a spring, whose waters never lack. (Isaías 58:11)
He you doesn't import him as arid it will be the road through where we will have to walk and not even the obstacles in him existent, because, God has us the promise of to stay in safety and to behave front to the battles and to color us with the victory.
The moments of indecision will be dissipated so that place is given to the certainty, when arid roads became serene and pleased places to walk and the fatigue will give place to a strong body and for adult than it is a desert for which we are for expiring, we will be transformed in source of alive water for any thirst to come exhausting.
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