Só há um Deus como o nosso, bondoso, fiel, justo, compassivo, amoroso, sincero, eterno, poderoso, dono do ouro e da prata e de tudo que seja existente. E nós, na qualidade de filhos e herdeiros, podemos desfrutar de bênçãos das quais desejamos e de muitas outras que ainda não se manifestaram, mas, para que sejamos merecedores das benevolências que as escrituras nos demonstram, devemos nos comportar como filhos amorosos e obedientes.
Sentence of the day: children and heirs of great power.
And he said: The Mister God of Israel, there is not God like you, on top in the skies nor in bass in the earth; that keep the alliance and the charity to your servants that walk with all your heart before you. (1 Reis 8:23)
There is only a God as ours, kind, faithful, fair, compassionate, loving, sincere, eternal, powerful, owner of the gold and of the silver and of everything that is existent. And us, in the children's quality and heirs, we can enjoy blessings of the which we wanted and of many another that didn't still show, but, so that we are worthy of the benevolences that the deeds we demonstrate, we should behave as loving and obedient children.
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