Quando necessitarmos busca por lucidez não precisaremos de fórmulas secretas ou mergulhar em incansáveis jornadas, pois, todo esclarecimento que se fizer necessário para a manutenção da nossa vida terrena e para nos direcionar para uma vida gloriosa e eterna na presença de Deus, está na palavra, bem ao alcance de nossas mãos, dos nossos olhos e dos nossos corações.
Não há nada que se possa aproximar da eficácia dos ensinamentos do Senhor, pois, qualquer que seja a resposta poderá ser encontrada, tanto sobre as dúvidas do mundo terreno quanto às possíveis aflições de nossas almas, auxiliando quanto às confusões que possam existir entre aos chamados raciocínios e as sábias intenções de nossos corações.
Sentence of the day: in the word that resides the wisdom and effectiveness.
Because the word of God is alive and effective, and more penetrating than sword some of two edges, and it penetrates to the division of the soul and of the spirit, and of the committees and marrows, and it is capable to discern the thoughts and intentions of the heart. (Hebrew 4:12)
When we need search for lucidity we won't need secret formulas or to dive in tireless days, because, every explanation that if he does necessary for the maintenance of our terrestrial life and to address us for a glorious and eternal life in the presence of God, it is in the word, well to the reach of our hands, of our eyes and of our hearts.
There is not anything that she can approximate of the effectiveness of the teachings of the Mister, because, any that is the answer it can be found, so much about the doubts of the terrestrial world with relationship to the possible afflictions of our souls, aiding with relationship to the confusions that can exist enters to the calls reasonings and the wise persons intentions of our hearts.
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