Mesmo com a partida de Cristo do nosso mundo terreno, jamais ficamos desamparados e distantes da verdade, pois, fomos contemplados com o Espírito de verdade que nos ajuda nos discernimentos entre o bem e o mal, nos mantendo sob a proteção e com a capacidade de continuarmos uma caminhada em segurança para o encontro com Deus.
Cuidando para que a nossa fé não seja abalada, ao contrário, que a cada instante a nossa confiança nos ensinamentos que a palavra nos possibilita, estaremos mais efetivamente envolvidos pela magnífica e próspera verdade.
Sentence of the day: God always staying in safety.
The truth Spirit, that the world cannot receive, because he doesn't see him nor he knows him; but you know him, because he inhabits with you, and it will be in you. (João 14:17)
Even with the departure of Christ of our terrestrial world, we were never abandoned and distant of the truth, because, we were contemplated with the truth Spirit that in the help in the discernments between the good and the badly, staying under the protection and with the capacity of we continue a walk in safety for the encounter with God.
Taking care so that our faith is not affected, to the opposite, that to each instant our trust in the teachings that the word makes possible us, we will be indeed involved by the magnificent and prosperous truth.
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