Consultando os nossos corações, nos quais a semente da fé deve ser irrigada para que cresça e continue sendo cultivada, florescendo e produzindo bons frutos, descobriremos as respostas da batalha de Deus para o nosso consolo e a herança da instrução que nos deixou para que o inimigo não consiga nos persuadir a vivermos no pecado.
Em momentos de dúvidas e mágoas, antes de qualquer ato devemos ouvir o que o coração tem a nos orientar, e assim, tomaremos as decisões melhores acertadas e que sejam agradáveis a Deus.
Sentence of the day: to know for not being persuaded.
So that your hearts are consoled, and be united in love, and enriched of the fullness of the intelligence, for knowledge of the mystery of God and Father, and of Christ. (Colossenses 2:2)
Consulting our hearts, us which the seed of the faith should be irrigated so that it grows and continue being cultivated, blooming and producing good fruits, we will discover the answers of the battle of God for our comfort and the inheritance of the instruction that he left us for the enemy not to get to persuade us we live her in the sin.
In moments of doubts and sorrows, before any act we should hear what the heart has guiding us, and like this, we will make the right better decisions and that are pleasant to God.
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