Deus nos confiou dons e cabe a cada um buscar pelo despertar do seu, mas para tanto, essa procura se encontra nos ensinamentos que obtemos nas escrituras, portanto, o quanto antes primarmos pela alimentação da nossa fé e temor ao Senhor, seremos agraciados com poderes dos quais jamais imaginamos.
Sentence of the day: the awakening of the talents.
For whose reason you remind that wake up the talent of God that exists in you for the imposition of my hands. (2 Timóteo 1:6)
God entrusted us talents and it fits to each one to look for the awakening of yours, but for so much, that to seek if he finds in the teachings that we obtain in the deeds, therefore, as soon as possible we excel for the feeding of our faith and fear to the Mister, we will be favored with powers of the which we never imagined.
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