Mesmo diante das situações que julgarmos extremas, jamais devemos duvidar do que Deus nos pede, mesmo que através de enviados e em sonhos. Quando o Senhor nos propõe algo é porque sabe o melhor para nós, portanto, a obediência aos ensinamentos é primordial para que as promessas se façam em nossas vidas.
Sentence of the day: never to question to the Mister.
And, projecting him this, suddenly in dream he appeared him an angel of the Mister, saying: José, son of Davi, don't fear to receive Maria, your wife, because the one that is generated in her is of the Saint Spirit. (Mateus 1:20)
Even due to the situations that we judge extreme, we should never doubt than God asks us, even if through correspondents and in dreams. When Mister propose us something it is because he knows the best for us, therefore, the obedience to the teachings is primordial so that the promises are made in our lives.
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