A aparência física não é relevante para que possamos ser os escolhidos do Senhor. Deus tem um olhar muito diferente do nosso, pois, os nossos olhares estão voltados para o que se encontra diante de nós, enquanto o Senhor verificar o conteúdo dos nossos corações, portanto, devemos procurar esvaziar de tudo que não agrada ao nosso criador para que o espaço seja reservado para que possa florescer a semente da fé com a qual fomos contemplados.
Sentence of the day: cares with our heart.
However the Mister he said Samuel: Don't look at your appearance, nor for the greatness of your stature, because I have been rejecting him; because the Mister he doesn't see how he sees the man, because the man sees what is before the eyes, however the Mister he looks at the heart. (1 Samuel 16:7)
The physical appearance is not important so that we can be the chosen of the Mister. God has a glance very different from ours, because, our glances are gone back to what he is before us, while the Mister to verify the content of our hearts, therefore, we should try to empty of everything that doesn't please our creator for the space it is reserved so that the seed of the faith can bloom with which we were meditated.
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