Desde o princípio Deus tem tido uma preocupação especial com nós. Além de nos criar também nos deixou uma produção de tudo quanto fossemos necessitar para a manutenção da vida terrena e ainda nos deixou o ensinamento para o alimento da nossa alma através da palavra.
Sentence of the day: God feeds our body and our soul.
And he said God: Suddenly I have you given the whole herb that gives seed, that is on the face of the whole earth; and the whole tree, in that there is fruit that gives seed, it will be you for maintenance. (Gênesis 1:29)
From the beginning God has been having a special concern with us. Besides growing up he also left us a production of whatever we root to need for the maintenance of the terrestrial life and he still left us the teaching for the food of our soul through the word.
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