É muito importante falarmos sobre os ensinamentos que Deus nos deixou pela palavra, os quais poderão nos sustentar de pé e revigorar as nossas forças, mesmo que ínfimas, portanto, vamos transformar a educação pelos conhecimentos divinos em uma prática constante e cultural para que possamos celebrar vitórias e possibilitar que os nossos irmãos também sejam vencedores.
Sentence of the day: the importance of the education for the word.
And these words, that today order you, they will be in your heart. And they will teach to your children and of them you will speak seated at your house, and walking for the road, and lying down and getting up. (Deuteronômio 6:6-7)
It is very important we talk about the teachings that God left us for the word, which can sustain us of foot and to invigorate our forces, even if tiny, therefore, we will transform the education for the divine knowledge in a constant and cultural practice so that we can celebrate victories and to make possible that our siblings are also winner.
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