mais complexas e agressivas que sejam as situações, as ações devem ser serenas.
A sabedoria para que possamos agir com cordialidade, sempre proferindo palavras
sem aspereza serão encontradas nas escrituras, portanto, importante que a nossa
aprendizagem seja diária.
nos ensina o poder das nossas próprias palavras, tanto para o bem quanto para o
mal, nos aconselhando para que somente coisas boas sejam proferidas, pois,
bênçãos elevam e trazem alegrias plenas e afastam os inimigos.
Sentence of the day: to utter blessings.
Of a same mouth it proceeds blessing and curse. My
siblings, it doesn't suit that this is made like this. (Tiago 3:10)
For more complex and aggressive than they are the
situations, the actions should be serene. The wisdom so that we can act with
cordiality, uttering words without roughness will always be found in the deeds,
therefore, important that our learning is daily.
God teaches us the power of our own words, so much for
the good as for the evil, seeking advice so that only good things are uttered,
therefore, blessings elevate and they bring full happiness and they move away
the enemies.
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