Os verdadeiros ricos são os merecedores e detentores das
graças de Deus, portanto, os servos do Senhor jamais poderão se considerar
pobres e nem mesmo negar auxílios aos que necessitarem de ajuda.
Por poucos bens materiais e até mesmo peças do vestuário e
alimentos que tivermos, sempre teremos a capacidade para dar a nossa
contribuição. O Senhor acrescentará as nossas posses.
Deus nos ensinar a não aceitarmos a miséria, pois, ela não
pertence aqueles que se consideram filhos do Senhor, os quais são herdeiros
celestiais e, portanto, donos de imenso poder, inclusive da prosperidade e de
bênçãos imateriais que superam qualquer tipo de bem material.
Sentence of the day: to detest the poverty.
Eia, because, now you, rich, cry and weep, for your
poverty, that must come on you. (Tiago 5:1)
The true ones rich they are the worthy ones and
detainers of the thanks of God, therefore, the servants of the Mister they will
never be able to be considered poor and not even to deny aids to the that need
For few material goods and even pieces of the clothes
and victuals that we have, we will always have the capacity to give our
contribution. The Mister it will increase our ownerships.
God to become trained we accept not her the poverty,
because, she doesn't belong those that are considered children of the Mister,
which are celestial heirs and, therefore, owners of immense power, besides of
the prosperity and of immaterial blessings that overcome any type of very
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