Deus, inclusive em sonhos nos envia os conselhos, os quais
sempre serão para o nosso bem, e mesmo quando forem considerados desafiadores,
jamais devemos ter dúvidas em desempenhar a missão, pois, o Senhor será com nós
para que sejamos vitoriosos.
Sentence of the day: to accept the
message of the Mister.
Then the angel of the Mister he said
Elias: He you goes down with this, don't fear. And he got up, and it went down
with him to the king. (2 Reis 1:15)
God, besides in dreams he sends us
the advices, which will always be for our good, and same when they be
considered challenging, we should never have doubts in carrying out the
mission, because, the Mister it will be with us so that we are victorious.
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