O Senhor veio ao mundo, ensinou, concedeu bênçãos, foi
traído, morto e sepultado, mas, em cumprimento a palavra ressuscitou e agora
retornará para o julgamento e salvação para que os fiéis sejam conduzidos à
vida eterna.
Sentence of the day: the Mister it
will come back.
Likewise Christ, offering once to
remove the sins of many, he will appear second time, without sin, to the that
wait for him for salvation. (Hebrew 9:28)
The Mister vein to the world, taught,
it granted blessings, it was betrayed, dead and buried, but, in execution the
word resurrected and now it will come back for the judgement and salvation for
the followers they are led to the eternal life.
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