As dúvidas não podem prosperar quanto aos conselhos do
Senhor. Deus quando nos indica um caminho será para o nossa proteção e destino
à vitória, portanto, sempre que a voz do criador se fizer ouvir, imediatamente
devemos atender para que o sucesso esteja presente em nossa vida.
Sentence of the day: to hear and to assist the advices
of God.
And the remaining of the number of the archers, the
powerful of the children of Quedar, they will be decreased, because he said
like this the Mister God of Israel. (Isaías 21:17)
The doubts cannot prosper with relationship to the
advices of the Mister. God when it indicates us a road it will be for our
protection and destiny to the victory, therefore, whenever the creator's voice
if he does to hear, immediately we should assist for the success to be present
in our life.
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