Senhor nos concederá nova oportunidade sempre que o arrependimento estiver
revestido de sinceridade. O importante para o criador é que estejamos com a
pureza em nossos corações para que o inimigo não consiga cultivar a sua
vigilante na palavra, de posse do instrumento da fé, o inimigo não conseguirá
nos conter, por mais poderoso que se considere, pois, Deus está abrindo caminho
e nos fortalecendo para que o nosso sucesso seja uma forma de repreender o mal.
Sentence of the day: God is in the control.
And I will put you against this people as fort bronze
wall; and they will fight against you, but they won't prevail against you;
because I am with you to stay, to get rid of them, he says him Mister.
(Jeremias 15:20)
The Mister it will grant us new opportunity whenever
the regret be covered of honesty. The important for the creator is that are
with the purity in our hearts so that the enemy doesn't get to cultivate your
Being vigilant in the word, of ownership of the
instrument of the faith, the enemy won't get to control, no matter how powerful
he is considered, therefore, God is making way and strengthening so that our
success is a form of reprehending the evil.
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