frase que diz que na natureza nada se cria, mas, tudo se transforma, nós
crescemos ouvindo. Essa é mais uma
certeza de que a existência, a criação pertence a Deus e as mutações são obras
do homem.
não apenas enviou o seu único filho para a nossa salvação pelo conhecimento da
palavra, Ele se manifestou para os homens para que não houvesse nenhuma dúvida
quanto ao poder divino, do qual somos herdeiros e podemos lançar mãos para que
muitas maravilhas nasçam e se perpetuem.
Sentence of the day: manifestation of God.
Because we didn't make to know you the virtue and the
coming of ours Mr. Jesus Cristo, following fables artificially composed; but we
saw your majesty. (2 Pedro 1:16)
The sentence that says that in the nature anything if
it creates, but, everything changes, we increased hearing. That is one more certainty than the
existence, the creation belongs to God and the mutations are the man's works.
God didn't just send your only son for our salvation for
the knowledge of the word, He showed for the men so that there was not any
doubt with relationship to the divine power, of which we are heirs and we can
throw hands for a lot of marvels to be born and they are perpetuated.
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