As casas de orações são sagradas, portanto, o respeito para com esses locais é muito importe. As nossas preces podem ser realizadas em qualquer local, inclusive em silêncio, as quais sendo realizadas com sinceridade e fé serão ouvidas por Deus que nos atenderá, mas, sempre que adentrarmos nas casas destinadas ao Senhor aqui neste mundo terreno, é primordial um comportamento digno.
Sentence of the day: houses of prayers.
And Jesus entered in the temple of God, and it
expelled all the ones that they sold and they bought in the temple, and it
knocked down the money changer tables and the chairs of the ones that they sold
doves. (Mateus
The houses of prayers are sacred, therefore, the
respect to those places is a lot it matters. Our prayers can be accomplished in
any place, besides in silence, which being accomplished with honesty and faith
will be heard by God that will assist us, but, whenever we penetrate at the
houses destined to the Mister here in this terrestrial world, it is primordial
a worthy behavior.
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