Mesmo que submetidos a provações para que reafirmemos a nossa
fé e o devido compromisso com Deus, nos mantendo puros de coração e de alma
refrigerada, procurando ser solidário para com os irmãos, seremos recompensados
em dobro e a prosperidade estará presente em todos os nossos dias.
Sentence of the day: obedience, faith and solidarity.
And the Mister it turned the captivity of Jó, when it prayed
for your friends; and the Mister it increased, in double, to whatever Jó before
possessed. (1 Jó 42:10)
Even if submitted to probations so that we reaffirm our faith
and the due commitment with God, staying pure of heart and of refrigerated
soul, trying to be solidary to the siblings, we will be rewarded in double and
the prosperity will be present in every day.
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