poder de Deus é indiscutível, principalmente no que se refere à criação, do que
somos testemunhas vivas. Além da nossa dádiva de vida, o Senhor procurou criar
um ambiente maravilhoso para nós, a natureza. Através dos vários eventos naturais,
o nosso criador nos lembra da sua existência, bondade e poder, para que
continuemos perseverantes na fé e trilhando pelo caminho do bem.
Sentence of the day: nature.
And he said God: Produce the earth green herb, herb
that gives seed, fruitful tree that gives second fruit your species, whose seed
is in her on the earth; and it was like this. And the earth produced herb, herb
giving in accordance seed your species, and the fruitful tree, whose seed is in
her according to your species; and he saw God that was good. (Gênesis
The power of God is unquestionable, mainly in what
he refers to the creation, that are alive witness. Besides our life gift,
the Mister it tried to create a wonderful atmosphere for us, the nature.
Through the several natural events, our creator reminds us of your existence,
kindness and power, so that we continue persevering in the faith and thrashing
for the road of the good.
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