São inúmeras as promessas benéficas do Senhor para a nossa
vida terrena, e principalmente as que se eternizarão. Deus é o todo poderoso,
portanto, tudo de bom se cumprirá se a nossa fé se manterá intacta e o nosso
coração se mantiver puro e transbordante de amor.
Sentence of the day:accomplishment of
the promises.
Word some failed of all the good
things that the Mister he spoke to the house of Israel; everything came
true. (Josué
They are countless the beneficial
promises of the Mister for our terrestrial life, and mainly the ones that will
be eternalized. God is the all powerful, therefore, everything of good will
come true if our faith will stay intact and our heart if it maintains pure and
overflowing of love.
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