Desde o nosso acordar até o adormecer, inclusive durante o
sono, Deus esteve apreciando as nossas ações e, cuidando para que as energias
sejam restauradas, portanto, é sábio antes de qualquer decisão, clamarmos ao
Senhor para que nos conceda a direção mais acertada.
Ao buscarmos a face de Deus em orações, sem vacilarmos em
nossa fé, pedindo conselhos e até mesmo socorro, jamais as nossas preces
voltarão sem respostas positivas, ao contrário, seremos surpreendidos com muito
mais do que buscamos.
Sentence of the day: God in the it
helps to honor the commitments.
Because the Mister GOD helps me, I
don't get confused like this; therefore pus my face as a pebble, because I know
that won't be embarrassed. (Isaías 50;7)
From ours to wake up to falling
asleep, besides during the sleep, God was appreciating our actions and, taking
care for the energies is recuperated, therefore, it is wise before any
decision, we shout to the Mister for it grants us the right direction.
To the we look for the face of God in
prayers, without we hesitate in our faith, asking for advices and even help,
our prayers will never return without positive answers, to the opposite, we
will be surprised with much more than we looked for.
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