Com o poder também vem grandes
responsabilidades, inclusive o dever da prática do bem sem olhar a quem. Não
seremos nada sem que Deus nos conceda.
O inimigo até poderá nos ofertar
alguma vantagem, mas, mais impressionante que se apresente, ainda assim não
trará alegrias, ao contrário, o sofrimento terá garantia.
O Senhor não protegerá aqueles que
dotados de poder, principalmente do concedido pelo criador, usar do mesmo para
causar qualquer mal.
of the day: responsibility with being able to.
of those that attempt the iniquity in your beds, and they plan the evil; to the
light of the dawn they practice him, because it is in the power of your hand! (Miquéias
the power it also comes great responsibilities, besides the duty of the
practice of the good without looking to who. We won't be anything without God
grants us.
enemy until it can present us some advantage, but, more impressive than he comes,
nevertheless he won't bring happiness, to the opposite, the suffering will have
Mister it won't protect those that endowed with being able to, mainly of the
granted by the creator, to use of the same to cause any badly.
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