Os participantes tiveram a oportunidade de participação de um
culto repleto de sabedoria e alegria, quando por mais uma vez a Igreja Maranata
ofereceu uma excelente receptividade e um
culto no qual a palavra de Deus prosperou. “Toda honra e toda glória ao
o entendimento de que Deus usa a Sua Palavra para falar conosco, desde que
estejamos de corações puros e despidos de vaidade, procurando reverenciar com
humildade o nome do Senhor.
Quando caminhares, te
guiará; quando te deitares, te guardará; quando acordares, falará contigo.
(provérbios 6:22)
Cult of glories to God: songs, word and revelations.
The Christian Church Maranata, with thirst in São Pedro dos Ferros,
obeying the teaching contained in the word, where God tells us that should pray
for the constituted authorities so that they have wisdom in the conduction of
your responsibilities to the society, which in a lot it pleases to the Mister,
it accomplished today (29/11/2015), with beginning at 19:30 o'clock, the Cult
of Glories to God for several people, besides authority.
The participants had the opportunity of participation of a replete cult
of wisdom and happiness, when for once again the Igreja Maranata offered an
excellent receptivity and a cult in which the word of God prospered. Every
honor and every glory to the Mister ".
We strengthened the understanding that God uses Your Word to speak with
us, since we are of pure and naked hearts of vanity, trying to reverence with
humility the name of the Mister.
you walk, it will guide you; when you lie down you, he will keep you; when you
wake up, he will speak to you. (proverbs 6:22)
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