As coisas agradáveis ao Senhor serão sempre encontradas com
nitidez; por mais desafios que tenhamos que nos submeter jamais teremos que nos
adentrar a escuridão ou agirmos sorrateiramente, portanto, o nosso caminhar com
segurança e sabedoria terá como direção a luz.
Sentence of the day:
But, if we walk in the light, like
him in the light is, we have communion some with the other ones, and Jesus Cristo
blood, your Son, purifies us of whole the sin. (1 João 1:7)
The pleasant things to the Mister
they will be always found with clearness; for more challenges than we have to
submit we will never have to go into the darkness or we act to the dark ones,
therefore, ours to walk with safety and wisdom will have as direction the
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